The Chairman’s Corner:
Greetings to all!
Well, it’s that time of year. Putting up the Christmas tree, planning Christmas dinner, secretly wrapping and hiding the kid’s presents, and enjoying a hot cup of cocoa if it gets cold enough.
While this a time of festivities and wishing all we come into contact with a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”, let’s not forget those whose Christmas will once again be lonely and forgotten about. I speak for our service men and women serving our country, far away from their loved ones during this time of the year. At one time, I was one of these serving in a faraway land, missing out on the joys of Christmas with my family. But even closer to home, let’s not forget about the homeless. They have no real joy because Christmas is just another day. Often, they look for food. If someone provided a meal in a box or a bag, I’m sure it would be greatly appreciated. It could be a turkey or ham sandwich, chips, a piece of cake a bottle of water, and anything else one could think of.
The work of the Constitution Party of Florida goes on. We are actively creating new county parties and will be giving training to our candidates on running for election. We want to make a difference at the local level that transcends into the state and federal level. We are looking for members who will step up and assume a leadership role in their county.
As any other organization, we rely on donations to operate. None of the funds are used for salaries. We are a volunteer organization, giving up our time and talents to help out the communities we live in.
Please consider giving to help at:
Contribute to CPF
In Liberty,
Mark Phillips
CPFL Chairman
From The Secretary:
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
This year has been a whirlwind for the party. The Executive Committee is comprised of all new faces, with the exception of our chaplain, whose knowledge and experience we are grateful to still have at our disposal. We owe a great deal of thanks to our previous chairwoman, Mary-Lee, for laying a strong foundation for the current committee and to our current chairman, Mark, for continuing to lead us forward.
In early spring, we held a Presidential Nominating Convention, during which our state nominated Randall Terry and Pastor Steven Borden as our candidates for President and Vice President, respectively. A few weeks later, they were officially confirmed as our candidates at the national convention. Additionally, we successfully assembled a slate of 30 electors for the Electoral College and secured our presidential candidates’ placement on the ballot.
This year, we launched a new website with a new domain. Although it is still under construction, you can visit our site here. Be sure to bookmark it! We also established a convenient way for you to contribute to the CPF using Donorbox. You can make a contribution at this link.
Thanks to a small group of recurring contributors, the party has just enough funds to cover our web hosting and this newsletter. However, we aspire to do more. We have several initiatives we would love to pursue, such as hosting events, attending trade shows, participating in county and state fairs, and supporting candidates running for local office under the CPF banner. These efforts, of course, require additional funding.
This Christmas season, if you would consider making a one-time contribution of any amount, it would mean a great deal to us. Your support can help us expand our outreach and achieve our goals. Contribute to the CPF here.
Last but certainly not least, we want to recognize several individuals who have stepped up to lead the way in their respective counties. Citrus County is the first to be fully organized and recognized as a County Executive Committee. If your county is not listed below and you want to lead the charge in your area, please reach out to the State Chairman, and we can help you get started. Here are the contacts for the various county coordinators and chairmen. Please connect with them if you’d like to get involved:
Thank you for your continued support, and may you and your loved ones have a blessed and joyous Christmas season!
For Liberty,
CJ Hacker
CPF Secretary
Chaplain’s Memo
Calling Evil Good & Good Evil
Isa. 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Today throughout the nation we now have officials calling evil good and pushing all kinds of evil agendas, gun control, abortion, open borders, judges letting criminals go free as good, unconstitutional laws being called good, now free speech is evil, parental control of children is evil, tranny story hour with perverts teaching children calling this good and so much more.
We must stand for righteousness and resist evil. God’s Word says: Deut. 27:25 Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Pro. 6:17 hands that shed innocent blood are an abomination to God and those who do such things including the nation will come under God’s judgment as we are now experiencing.
II Cor. 6:17, 18 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, The call of the hour is REPENT and turn from your sins, read I John 1:9
Pastor Richard C Wilmot BRR
CPF Chaplain