About Us

We declare the platform of the Constitution Party to be predicated on the principles of:

  • The Declaration of Independence,
  • The Constitution of the United States and
  • The Bill of Rights,

according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. These founding documents are the foundation of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land.

The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is
usurpation, and liberty is compromised.

We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of these founding documents.

The 2024 National Platform is linked here. We encourage you to read the platform to get a feel for who we are and what we stand for.

At the CPF, we embrace innovation. That’s why we’ve introduced a custom GPT chatbot trained on the 2024 National Platform. While the bot may occasionally make mistakes, we encourage you to download and review the platform yourself. But if you’re feeling adventurous, give the bot a try!

GPT: Constitution Party Connect

Click the pictures below for detailed information

The Three Pillars of Integrity Liberty & Prosperity

https://constitutionparty.com/principles/three-pillars/ The Three Pillars of Integrity Liberty & Prosperity

……………………………….. https://constitutionparty.com/principles/seven-principles/
…………………………… https://constitutionparty.com/principles/twelve-key-issues/